In its central monasteries, Veljusa and Vodoča, Strumica diocese develops an independent, complete yet selective ecclesiastical publishing activity. Over twenty books have been published so far, among which original pastoral texts and essays on ascetical themes, translations of counsels on prayer by contemporary 20th century Elders, texts from the history of hesychasm, translated editions from contemporary world theology, apologetic texts in response to the public reactions on the renewed monasticism etc.
The Strumica diocese is the initiator and the driving force of the magazine Premin (Passover).
Klitos Ioannidis: Elder Porphyrios, book 1 (translated from the Greek)
Along with Elder Porphyrios' life, this book also contains testimonies and experiences of his spiritual children.
“…The Elder taught that the basic element of the spiritual life in Christ, the great mystery of our faith, is unity in Christ. It is that sense of identifying with our brother, of carrying the burdens of one another, of living for others as we live for ourselves, of saying "Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon ME" and for that "ME" to contain and to become for ourselves the pain and the problems of the other, of suffering like they suffer, of rejoicing like they rejoice, their fall becoming our fall and their getting up again becoming our (personal) getting up again…”
Metropolitan Nahum: A School of Hesychasm (Book 1)
Experienced introduction to the Tradition of the mind-and-heart Jesus Prayer. The 20 th century Athonite Elders' teaching on the ways to acquisition of God's gift of the mind-and-heart prayer. On eschatological dimensions of the mind-and-heart prayer. The mind-and-heart prayer as a criterion of the pastoral struggle of clergy and influences in ecclesiology. Analyses: ascetical-hesychastic aspects of contemporary trends in the relations between the MOC and the SOC. The book is printed in “Saint Theodosius of Sinai” monastery printing house, at the men's monastery of the Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste in Bansko.
Metropolitan Nahum: Homily from Vodoča - interviews and articles, two sermons, a study… -
A brief ascetical chronicle of the events that have occurred in our midst and have stirred the life of the Church. The holy penetration of the word 'with authority' in the devastated daily life of a small country. We are also grateful for the answers on those unuttered questions from the trembling areas of the veiled philanthropy in the last decades! For many years to come!!!
Elder Ephraim of Philotheou: Counsels on Jesus Prayer - an epitomized edition
Shall we call them counsels from the heritage of the holy hesychastic
school of the venerable Joseph the Spilaioti? Or rather, a Divine offering
of the fruitful holy disciple Ephraim of Philotheou!!!
On the mystery and blessing of the obedience towards the Elder.
Feature: a tradition from the personal experience in the practice of noetic
prayer to the subtlest details. (Translated from Greek.)
Мetropolitan Nahum: Homily from Eleusa
- a new, revised edition (second) -
Many have started from the Letters in this book towards the first, and aiming to the last, elder's blessing of the Bishop in whom they have felt the Living God calling them and believed in Him to follow Him.
(Essays:) A tradition on the struggle for 'purification of the heart' or the true content of the ascetical-hesychastic experience following the footsteps of the spiritual father's word.
Meyendorff: Saint Gregory Palamas and the Orthodox Mysticism Hesychasm:
history, theology, anthropology… life in a Divine way.
This book by the
classic of Orthodox theology is presumably the unique transparent panopticon
of the entire Orthodox mysticism, accessible both to a member of the Church
and to a God-seeking erudite to whom the holy ascetical-hesychastic revelations
of the Divine-human Christian reality open the aspect of genuine dignity
of the mystery of man. At the prayers of the most legitimate representative
of hesychasm of all times, Saint Gregory Palamas, whose spiritual figure
ennobles each dimension of this book, may God inspire both such an intellectual
and the conscious God-loving reader, revealing Himself to them! Amen. (Translated
from French.)
Inverted Perspective – Iconostasis – Pavel Florensky
The spiritual existence
of culture, of people, is characterized with calmness and unobtrusiveness
in creation. This creation of Byzantine religious paintings has soundlessly
dwelt and existed in Macedonian churches and monasteries for over a thousand
The inverted perspective opens the spiritual eye of the faithful,
enlightening them with the presence of the Divine light of the Holy Spirit.
In this context, the iconostasis represents the universe in its entirety,
in front of which open the doors of the Divine Economy of our salvation.
The publication of the books “Inverted Perspective” and “Iconostasis”
by Pavel Florensky, on the occasion of six years since the renewal of
the icon painting and a year since the beginnings of the revival of fresco
painting in the monasteries within Diocese of Strumica, is an authentic
testimony of the prayerful fruits that the monks wholeheartedly offer
for the people in the world.
Elder Joseph: Hesychastic Testimonies - an epitomized edition -
A small and yet all-inclusive book (thirteen letters) on practice of the Jesus prayer: from the very beginnings to the most hidden perfections. It teaches the principles of synergy of grace, the spiritual meaning of sufferings, the strategy of waging war against demons and resistance to the devastating influence of passions within the heart… (Translated from Greek.)
Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov: Foundations of Spiritual Life
On the feat of mourning and the gift of tears. The practice of prayer in its entirety and the negative aspects of it. What makes the prayer holy, i.e. effective? What destroys it and corrupts its practice? More on delusion. Importance of spiritual guidance to the advancement in the Jesus prayer. A short hagiography of Saint Ignatius. (Translated from Russian.) |
Elder Sophrony (Sakharov): On Spirit and Life - 247 homilies -
To the soul's tender part, man's hidden heart!
Having read it at least once, a book that you shall turn to with trust and zeal whenever it is at hand – to gather inspiration for striving in your endeavour towards holiness.
At the prayers of this Elder, grant us, O Lord to begin with the small things of everyday life, and to end with the awareness that 'I am'! (Translated from Greek.)
Staretz Silouan: Sad Joy - joyous sadness -
What is the ineffable way of the Saints like, as for all the God-loving could see its guideposts… "My soul yearns after the Lord and I seek Him in tears. Where Art Thou, my Light? Where Art Thou, my Joy?… Lo, Thou Art everywhere, but my soul beholds Thee not and yearning, in tears, seeks Thee! …When people nourish the fear of God, then our sojourn on earth is peaceful and calm. The Ecumenical Patriarchate placed Staretz Silouan in the canon of Saints in 1988 in Constantinople. (Translated from Russian.)
Elder Paisios: Introduction to Monastic Life - an epitomized edition -
Most useful record of the beginnings of monastic life.
Practical information and directions for the period of probation and clear guideposts on the need for spiritual guidance of an Elder for the major part of beginners. The conditions of life in obedience.
Enkindle love for prayer! On the road of the Fathers. Other messages and revelations.
In his witty language Elder Paisios opens a view to the path of salvation, essential equally to those aspiring to monasticism and to those to stay and be saved at home.
At his prayers may God grant us the perfect obedience. Amen. |
Homily on Monasticism
This book is an outcome of the first catholic temptation of the newly born monasticism: the great fuss caused by certain distressed parents and journalists, along with the phantasmal cloud of the chance bystanders over the first enlightened foreheads of the young Army of Christ in the country. For the prayers of our Elder, God had mercy on us. Amen.

Small Orthodox Prayer Book - third edition -
Morning and evening prayers. Several of the Saints' much-loved and well-known prayers. Prayers for various occasions. Salutations to the All-Holy Mother of God.
The Sisters of the Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa: The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom - CD
The renewal of the monastic hesyhastic and eucharistic life in our monasteries has brought a revival of traditional Macedonian chanting. May this recording be our monastic gift bringing you a foretaste of the New Life that shone from the cave of Bethlehem 2000 years ago.
The CD is released with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica.