News and events




Editor-in-chief: Sister Makrina Popovska


Editorial staff/contributors: Goran Veličkovski; Janko Ilkovski; Kalina Trpeska; Jane Kodžabašija, PhD, Ilindenka Petruševska, monk Agathon Apostolovski


design: Studiti  language editor: M. E. Kostova  printed by: 11 Oktomvri, Prilep



The efforts of the Orthodox periodical Premin today are with an emphasised tendency toward revelation of the authentic Orthodoxy before the Macedonian reader in the present faced with the challenges of the mundane life in utter crisis… and at the same time toward the full following the fruitful spiritual tradition of the Church in Macedonia, the ancient Ohrid Archdiocese, throughout the centuries.


Interview: Fr Methodius Zlatanov/Kalina Trpeska


Alexander/Across the Water to Freedom… Janko Ilkovski (review)


Ascetical-Hesychastic Aspects/Metropolitan Nahum (synaxis)


Ascetical-Hesychastic Aspects (2)/ Hieromonk Onuphrius









Ministry of Culture of

the Republic of Macedonia





The stall of the magazine, enriched with editions of the Vovedenie and slovo od vodoča Libraries at the International Fair librographics 2005 in Skopje attracted significant interest and was remarkably visited.


Among the multitude of seekers after new literary editions, the camera recorded Mr Vlado Bučkovski, the Prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia, as he viewed the Macedonian publishers’ fair. His visit of the church stall caused joy among the representatives of the magazine present at the fair, and revealed a cordial thread of friendship with the book in the same spirit with the readers in the halls.


At the librographics 2005 fair, Premin promoted the newly published book by Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica A School of Hesychasm (Book 1), an edition of the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa.